Why Your Office Still Needs a Printer


Going paperless is a fashionable and eco-friendly move, but it’s not always practical. Sometimes, having the printed page in front of you is better than a digital copy. But as many people and offices are starting to get rid of their printers, it can be hard to find somewhere to print off a document. At Merrimack Valley Business Machines, we know that some businesses still need access to commercial printers, which is why we have them available to purchase or lease.  

Here are just a few reasons why commercial printers are still important to many businesses.


It’s easier to spot errors on a printed page.

Before you send an important document off to a customer or client, you want to ensure that there are no mistakes. While we have spell-checkers and editing tools for digital documents, they're not infallible. When reviewing a document, it is easier to spot errors on a printed page than it is on a screen. Our brains engage with text differently when it’s printed out, and you are less likely to skim over typos and errors.  

It’s harder to ignore a printed document.

How many times have you asked a coworker to review something, and they keep ignoring your emails? They may not be doing it on purpose. We all get a lot of emails in a day, and it’s easy to say that you’ll get to it later and then completely forget about it. But if you have a physical document sitting on your desk, it’s harder to ignore that.  

You’ll always have a backup copy.

It’s tempting to think that because you have something saved to your computer, you can’t lose it. But computers crash, files get corrupted, and people forget passwords. If you only have a document saved to your computer and you lose access to that computer, you also lose your document. It’s smart to have printed copies of your important documents and files so that you always have access to them, just in case.  

Commercial Printers from Merrimack Valley Business Machines

Commercial printers are essential to the operations of many offices and businesses. To find the right printer for your business, talk to our team at Merrimack Valley Business Machines. We’ll help you find the best machine for your office’s printing needs.  

Contact us at 1(800) 336-6826 to learn more about our services.